2022 Low FODMAP Yogurt Guide – Greek, Icelandic & More


I began my low FODMAP journey many years ago and sadly, discovered that lactose is one of my triggers. Giving up my favorite yogurts, ice cream, and milk wasn’t easy, but to my surprise, I have discovered many gut-friendly dairy swaps that have filled this gap without sacrificing taste. In recent  years, I have experimented with many lactose-free yogurts, and even spent time fermenting my own. All this has made me pretty savvy in the dairy aisle, and in this article, I aim to share what I’ve learned, so you can find the low FODMAP yogurt that suits you best.

Many have a false belief that the low FODMAP diet is a dairy-free diet. While it is true that dairy foods contain lactose, super low lactose foods like aged cheese fall within compliant range. Monash sets the lactose cut off at one gram per serving, meaning any food or beverage with greater than one gram of sugar can be excessive in lactose, thus high FODMAP. However, even Monash states that those with lactose sensitivities can tolerate lactose in quantities of 12-15 grams per day and maybe even more if spread out throughout the day.

Given that some dairy foods are allowed on the low FODMAP diet, let’s explore a popular breakfast and snack staple, yogurt. Are you confused about how to find a low FODMAP yogurt? If you answered yes, you are not alone. The dairy section of the grocery store has exploded in recent years with an array of yogurts including traditional, Greek, Icelandic, goat’s milk, almond, coconut, cashew, soy, and even pea protein yogurt. Many of us struggle to know which yogurt to choose without even considering the extra layer of confusion of FODMAPs.

Health Benefits of Yogurt

As a GI dietitian, I strongly believe in eating probiotic rich foods like yogurt to help maintain a healthy and diverse gut microbiome. Following a low FODMAP diet may negatively impact your gut bacteria, especially if followed for a long duration of time. This is one reason why it is meant to be a temporary diet.

Yogurt is one of the easiest ways to introduce beneficial probiotics into your diet. While there are a lot of fermented vegetables to choose from (think kimchi, miso, tempeh, and sauerkraut), many struggle with the taste. Also, adding a new probiotic supplement is not typically advised, since many of them contain high FODMAP prebiotics and they can also muddle results of the FODMAP learning experiment. Thus, a food first approach is probably the best approach.

Low FODMAP Yogurts

Lactose Free

Lactose-free yogurts are generally compliant, however you should still take a look at the label and avoid those containing high FODMAP ingredients. Lactase enzyme is added at the time of processing, which results in a 100% lactose-free yogurt. My favorite way to enjoy lactose-free yogurt is to add one serving of a low FODMAP fruit, a sprinkle of cinnamon and maybe a drizzle of maple syrup.

Low FODMAP Lactose-Free Yogurts from Green Valley Creamery and Yoplait

Top Picks

  • Green Valley Creamery Organic Lactose Free Yogurt – Plain, Vanilla, Strawberry or Blueberry
  • YQ Yoplait Yogurt – Plain, Vanilla, Strawberry, Coconut, Lime or Blueberry
  • Yoplait Lactose Free – French, Vanilla, or Strawberry


Greek yogurt is made by straining regular yogurt, a process that removes much of the whey, resulting in a lower lactose content. Monash has recently tested Greek yogurt, and the low FODMAP serving is ¾ ounce (23 grams). At 3 tablespoons, Greek yogurt is moderate in FODMAPs.

FODMAP Friendly gave the pass to a more generous serving size of ⅘ cup (200 grams). Feel free to experiment with these portion sizes based on your comfort level. For more information on this topic please read this article written by Joanna Baker ADP, AN, RD,  Diana Reid RD, Audrey Inouye RD, and myself. Do not forget to check the food label to ensure high FODMAP ingredients have not been added.

If you are looking for a 100% lactose free Greek yogurt, check out this new yogurt by Green Valley Creamery.

Green Valley Creamery Greek Plain Yogurt


Icelandic yogurt has a similar amount of protein as the Greek variety. It is smooth, creamy, and a little thicker than traditional yogurt without so much of the tang. Siggi’s is a well known Icelandic yogurt which is fairly low in lactose. Siggi’s also offers a lactose free plain yogurt which is low FODMAP. Unfortunately, there is a little too much agave in the Siggi’s Vanilla, placing it in the high FODMAP range.


This variety is low FODMAP per Monash in small portions. FODMAP Friendly gave Redwood Hill Farm Goat Milk Yogurt – Plain and Blueberry the pass and this can be found at most grocers. Goat yogurt is definitely worth a try as it offers a little sweet, mild, delicate flavor that pairs well with many low FODMAP add ins or as a solo fix.

Redwood Hill Farm Plain Goat Milk Yogurt


Coconut yogurt has a mild sweet, coconut taste and is low FODMAP at ½ cup. One of the more popular brands is So Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt Alternative, which is low FODMAP in the following flavors:

  • Unsweetened
  • Unsweetened Vanilla
  • Blueberry
  • Chocolate
So Delicious Coconutmilk Yogurt – Strawberry

Another brand, COYO, makes a delicious, creamy, rich coconut yogurt that many enjoy. Best stick with the plain as the Vanilla, fruit-flavored, and chocolate all contain either inulin or apple juice concentrate.

COYO Coconut Yogurt – Plain

Want more low FODMAP tips in the dairy aisle? Check out our article on Low FODMAP Milk Alternatives.

Yogurts to Approach with Caution

Start with a small portion to test tolerance, and increase to a full serving as tolerated.


Almond yogurt has not been tested by Monash, however it is likely low in small portions like ½ cup. Almonds can be high or low based on serving size, so it would be advised to keep portions small when testing tolerance to this yogurt. Most FODMAPers report positive responses to this yogurt alternative.

Top picks: 

  • Silk Almond Milk Yogurt Alternative – Vanilla, Strawberry, and Dark Chocolate
  • Personal favorite: Kite Hill Almond Yogurt – Unsweetened, Plain, Strawberry, or Blueberry
Kite Hill Almond Milk Yogurt – Plain


Like almond, cashew yogurt has not been tested by Monash, however based on recent news of cashew milk being low FODMAP, cashew yogurt may follow suit.

Forager Dairy-free Cashewmilk Yogurt – Unsweetened Plain

Pea Protein

Recent testing of pea protein brought mixed results, and this ingredient is no longer listed as low FODMAP per Monash. However, Ripple Pea Protein Yogurt contains only 6 grams of pea protein, which is far less than previously tested low FODMAP pea protein powders.

Ripple Dairy-Free Yogurt Alternative

Based on the lower protein content, pea protein yogurt is likely low FODMAP. Taste-wise, it has a creamy, smooth texture, but comes in a little too thin for my liking. From a nutrition perspective, I do appreciate the moderate protein intake and the low sugar content.


Oat yogurt has not been tested by Monash, however it is likely low FODMAP since oat milk and oats are also low FODMAP. Make sure to check the label as many contain hidden high FODMAP ingredients. For example So Delicious and Nancy’s Oatmilk Yogurts both contain faba beans, making them high FODMAP.

Nancy’s Probiotic Oatmilk Yogurt

If you’re looking for something to try, this new oat-based yogurt by Chobani appears to be low FODMAP.

Chobani Oatmilk Yogurt – Vanilla

Yogurts to Avoid


Soy yogurt has not been tested by Monash, however it is most likely high FODMAP and best to avoid. This variety is made from soy milk, which is high FODMAP when made from soybeans. Soy milk made from soy protein is low FODMAP, however the majority of US-based soy yogurts are derived from soybeans making them high in galactans.

Cow’s Milk (aka Traditional)

Cow’s milk (aka traditional yogurt) is high FODMAP due to excessive lactose. Even though the active cultures help to decrease the lactose load, many traditional yogurts remain too high in lactose and not appropriate for the low FODMAP diet.

Other High FODMAP Ingredients and Yogurt Additives

Quite often, high FODMAP ingredients are added to dairy and nondairy milk. When reading the label, avoid yogurts containing the following ingredients:

  • Agave (unless sugar content is 5 grams of less)
  • Chicory root or chicory root extract
  • Faba beans
  • Fructose
  • Fruit juice concentrate (apple, pear, etc)
  • Fruit juice purees
  • High FODMAP fruits such as peaches, mango, apple, pear, cherry, etc.
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Honey (unless sugar content is 7 grams or less) 
  • Inulin
  • Whey
  • Whey protein concentrate (unless label states suitable for lactose intolerance)

No need to avoid yogurts containing fruit and vegetable juice added for color since they are added in only very small portions. This is not enough to trigger any IBS symptoms.

Low FODMAP Yogurt Toppers

  • Sweeten plain yogurt with one serving of low FODMAP fruit or a small amount (1-2 teaspoons) of strawberry preserves or maple syrup.
  • Sprinkle 2-4 tablespoons of a low FODMAP granola such as Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Granola, or top with your favorite  low FODMAP cereal.
  • Enjoy with a low FODMAP serving of nuts and one serving of a low FODMAP fruit.
  • Substitute plain lactose-free yogurt for mayonnaise or sour cream.
  • Use your favorite low FODMAP yogurt as the base for your favorite dips for fruits and raw vegetables
  • Mix ¼ cup of the low FODMAP certified goodMix Foods Blend 11 or NeoBlend into a low FODMAP yogurt for a high fiber, satisfying breakfast or snack. 

I hope that this article helps you find your new favorite gut-friendly yogurt! If you have a chance, please tell us your favorite varieties in the comments below.

Join the Conversation

  1. Thank you. This was very informative and helpful sorting out brands that are safe.

    1. You’re very welcome!

  2. Shawn Haese says:

    I just started looking into the low FODMAP diet over the past few days and im still learning so this was incredibly helpful, thank you!

    1. You’re welcome, Shawn! Glad we were able to help 🙂

    2. Doreen Sampler says:

      Hi me too I find it very difficult . I’m finding foods that were ok before are killing me now lol. I’m so tired of feeling sick all the time

      1. Sally Greene says:

        I hear your pain! There’s just no escaping all the issues involve with it…not easy

  3. Miss sharon Denise Skidmore says:

    How much is a cup in grams/ounces etc please?

    1. Hey Sharon – 1 cup is 150g or 8 ounces.

  4. Sheila Brower says:

    Thank you so much for this article. I am starting the low fodmap diet and besides being so, so confused on other foods knowing what yogurt I can have helps so much!!

    1. Hey Shelia – you’re welcome! Glad we can be of use 🙂

    2. Doreen Sampler says:

      Agree they’re hard to find and I don’t like the Greek ugh

  5. I thought a cup was 8 oz., but above you state it’s 6 oz. Is this specific to yogurt?

    1. Hey KC – sorry! That was a typo. Fixed 🙂

  6. Thank you for your informative article. It makes shopping a little more enjoyable, which is saying a lot. I will keep it.

    1. Hey Sheri – really glad you found it helpful!

  7. So would the chobani oat be a first choice to try?

  8. Thank you for this well-written, succinct, and very helpful article. A model for others to follow!

  9. Hi. Thanks for this useful info! I just tried to make my own yogurt using cashew milk. It did not set, so I am wondering what tips you can share for making FODMAP friendly yogurt at home.

  10. Shirley Lovett says:

    My husband is diabetic and we have just started on the FODMAP. Can you tell me what no sugar yogurts are available that fit the Fodmap? Thank you, Shirley

  11. what is a low fodmap serving size for lactose free low fat yoghurt

  12. New lactose free Greek yogurt products to add: Fage BestSelf (only in plain) & Chobani with Zero Sugar (variety). Both use lactase enzymes

  13. How about sheep’s yogurt? I love Chatham Creamery yogurt but wonder if I should treat with caution now that I need low FODMAP …

  14. Los diabeticos no deben tomar leche sin lactosa ni de avena,sube la glucemia. Cuanto yogur griego se puede comer al día.?

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