Update: Add Allergens to Scan Results


In this week’s release, we created a feature that allows you to add allergen statements to products in the app. For celiacs and people with food allergies, this piece of information is extremely valuable — so we need your help!

If you scan a product and notice that Spoonful doesn’t list anything under the allergen section, we would be extremely grateful to have you fill it out.

Anatomy of an allergen statement

In the US, allergens are typically listed on the back of a food label at the end of or right below the ingredients section. Outside the US, they can be found within the ingredient list as well (e.g. butter [milk]).

Here are a few common examples to look out for:

  • Contains [wheat]
  • May contain [fish]
  • Manufactured in a facility that uses [egg] ingredients
  • Manufactured in a facility which processes [egg]
  • Processed in a facility that uses [milk]
  • Manufactured on equipment that processes products containing [peanuts]
  • Manufactured on equipment that uses [milk]
  • Manufactured in a facility that processes [tree nuts], but not on the same equipment
  • Manufactured on shared equipment…may contain [peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, milk…]

If you have a question about a specific allergen statement or product, please don’t hesitate to email support@spoonfulapp.com. We’ll be happy to take a look and walk you through it!

Join the Conversation

  1. Nancy Phelps says:

    Trader Joe products do not compute with your app.

  2. Susan Flaherty says:

    Awesome idea and thanks

  3. Susan Flaherty says:

    Awesome idea and thanks. This app is very helpful.

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