Last update: June 8th 2022
Shopping for bread on the low-FODMAP diet can be quite the challenge, especially during the elimination phase. Most store-bought breads are made from ingredients like wheat, barley or rye flour, each of which has a limited serving size. But don’t worry! There are lots of great low-FODMAP breads out there, and we’ll help you choose the one that’s right for you.
In this post, We’ll take you through the state of the state on lab-tested breads, then give you some label reading advice for your next grocery run. And if reading labels sounds as painstaking as we think it might, we’ll also give you a list of low-FODMAP bread products to pluck right off the shelf.
Common Low FODMAP Bread Varieties
As many who follow it know, the low FODMAP diet is an ever-evolving science. In recent years, many wheat and grain-based breads have tested low FODMAP at normal serves. Here are a few common bread varieties and their low-FODMAP serving size:
- Sourdough (white wheat, whole wheat, spelt): 2 slices
- Gluten-free (white): 2 slices
- Millet: 2 slices
- Wheat (wholemeal, white): 1 slice
- Sprouted Multigrain: 1 slice
- Gluten-Free (Multigrain): 1 slice
- Corn: 1 slice
Source: Monash University
A Note on Additives
The above list is certainly helpful as a guiding force, but things get bit more complicate when dealing with packaged bread products. A concern when interpreting these test results is that ingredient lists often vary greatly across country lines. While an Australian sourdough may be perfectly fine, a comparable product sold in the US or Canada might contain high-FODMAP additives like inulin or apple juice concentrate that increase the FODMAP load and may trigger IBS symptoms.
So what can you do? Well, the best place to start is with bread products that have been tested and certified low FODMAP.
Low-FODMAP Certified Breads
If you want to be sure that the bread you’re choosing is 100% low FODMAP, we highly recommend reaching for something that has been certified by Monash University or FODMAP Friendly. Here is a few to choose from:
US Products
- Schar Gluten Free Baguette
- Schar Gluten Free Ciabatta Rolls
- Schar Gluten Free Deli Style Seeded
- Schar Gluten Free Deli Style Sourdough
- Schar Gluten Free Multigrain Ciabatta Rolls
- COBS Bread Low FOD Loaf
International Products
- Baker’s Delight Wholegrain lowFOD Block Loaf
- La Boulangrie Alternative Inewa 100% Spelt Sourdough
- La Boulangrie Alternative Inewa 100% Spelt & Buckwheat
- Brumby’s Bakery Quinoa and Linseed Low FODMAP Loaf
- Ernst Bocker Gluten-Free Oat Bread
- Ernst Bocker Gluten-Free Breakfast Rolls
- Pure Life Bakery Organic Sprouted Khorasan
- Pure Life Bakery Organic Sprouted Spelt
- Pure Life Bakery Organic Sprouted Sunflower Sourdough
- Naturis Organic Bread Spelt Sourdough Wholemeal
- Naturis Organic Bread Spelt Sourdough Wholemeal Chi & Sunflower Seeds
- Good Mills Innovation GmBH Ancient Wheat 2am Wheat Rustic Country Loaf
- Schar Gluten Free Wholesome White Loaf
- Schar Gluten Free Wholesome Vitality Loaf
- Schar Gluten Free Wholesome Vitality White Loaf
- Schar Gluten Free Wholesome Seeded Loaf
- Schar Gluten Free White Ciabatta Rolls
- Schar Gluten Free Brown Ciabatta Rolls
- Schar Gluten Free Seeded Ciabatta Rolls
- Schar Gluten Free Panini Rolls
- Schar Gluten Free Grissini
- Alpine Breads Hemp Rising
- Alpine Breads Sour Rye
- Alpine Breads Tuscany Sourdough
- Alpine Spelt & Barley sourdough
- Alpine Spelt & Sprouted Grains
- Alpine Breads Spelt Hot X Buns
Want to know if your bread is low FODMAP?
Download the Spoonful app to check any product for FODMAPs today! Available on iOS and Android)
Choosing a Low-FODMAP Sourdough Bread
One of the most popular bread options is sourdough as many varieties have a generous low-FODMAP serving size. But like we said before, there are lots of differences between countries and ingredients to look out for, so we wanted to take some time to explain things further.
First off, traditional sourdough breads (i.e. those made without yeast) are your best option. The best place to find a traditional sourdough bread is at your local bakery or the fresh bread section of the grocer. These freshly made sourdough breads use a starter (a blend of bacteria and wild yeasts) versus baker’s yeast, which results in a slower fermentation process. The little microbes present in the starter actually eat up the majority of the FODMAP-bearing fructans during the longer ferment time, making it easier for many IBS sufferers to digest. The addition of yeast speeds up the fermentation process, which does not allow ample time for the fructans to be digested.
Here are a few low-FODMAP sourdough examples that we think are pretty delicious.
- The Essential Baking Company Take & Bake Sourdough Bread
- Boudin Bakery Sourdough
- Berlin Natural Bakery Sourdough Spelt
Baking Your Own Low-FODMAP Bread
If you have some time and would like to flex your baking muscles, you can try making your own low-FODMAP bread. Here are a few amazing recipes to try.
- Delicious Low-FODMAP Multigrain Sandwich Bread; Gluten-free, Dairy-free by Rachel Paul
- Lo-Fo Pantry Low FODMAP Bread Recipe
- FODMAP Everyday’s Low FODMAP Gluten-Free Irish Soda Bread
And wouldn’t you know it? There is also a dedicated line of low-FODMAP baking products from Lo-Fo Pantry. Each of these has been certified by the FODMAP Friendly Food Program, so they make a great option during any FODMAP phase.

We hope this article gave you a nice overview of the bread landscape – we know it can be quite tricky at times.
As always, check out Monash or FODMAP Friendly for a variety of certified low-FODMAP breads. More and more companies are having their products tested and the list continues to expand.
Last thing – what’s your favorite low-FODMAP bread product? Let us know in the comments!
Those of us who have completed the diet and have identified our trigger foods need help maintaining too. For me it is onions, garlic, and corn syrup. I have to read every label. During this difficult time this is not always possible. Identifying some brands that exclude these would be so helpful.
Hey Sue – thanks for letting us know! Do you mean for the app or our content or both?
Very, very helpful! Having been diagnosed with Celiac last year 2019 and after having a right hemicolectomy in 2018, I’ve already been using some of the brands of gluten free bread listed. After a year of being “sick” off and on, I’ve identified some of my trigger foods but I’m still not sure of them all. So I recently started the fodmap diet and I’m in the first phase. I am VERY THANKFUL to have helpful information both here and in the Spoonful app especially as I’m just starting out. Thank you.
Hey Paul – we’re so glad that you’re getting value out of the blog and app! Hopefully the low-FODMAP diet can shed more light on the remaining trigger foods. Let us know how things progress!
I am wondering what breads that Dave’s Killer Bread’s make are appropriate to eat.
Have you tried the Spoonful App? We’d recommend searching for Dave’s and setting your filter to “green only”. That should turn up any low FODMAP breads from that brand.
I used to make my own sourdough everything back in the days when all of my five children were living at home. I got away from it because it’s hard to do sourdough for just one or two people. However, I’ve decided to try it again.
Do you know of any resources detailing how long your fermentation times should be to make sure all of the FODMAPs have been digested?
Hey Michele – good question! Typically it should be >12 hours – more info here:
I’ve been on this FodMap diet for three days now. So far only thing noticed is, and this statement is rather graphic, but, only thing going on is pooping green. I have a problem with constipation, take mega doses of senna and fiber tabs, as well a dose of Miralax every morning. Plus I eat vegan/plant based diet. Lots of green leafy veggies, the rainbow, minute processed foods of any kind. I make from scratch everything I eat. Yet, I still have constipation. Note, in past three years have thyroid cancer and breast cancer. And history of lapchole. And life long battle with constipation. Question, will this “pooping green” subside and I ever get a “normal” bm? And if I have to avoid gluten for example, how am I, on a low fixed income, going to afford to eat anything? Sure I get SNAP, but at the prices for these specialty flours, I won’t be able to afford anything else. I know only 3 days isn’t going to tell much, have to wait for it all to cleans my system, and then reintroduce foods slowly. The way I feel right now, might as well just stop eating all together, and just take a handful of vitamin pills a couple times a day.
I am new to low fodmap diet due to occassional diarrhea and would like to know when stated 1 slice “white” bread does this mean 1 slice per meal sitting. If I am going to have 3 meals per day would 2 more slices white bread be permissable
I am egg and yeast sensitive. Can I eat any of the suggested breads?